Workshops and Seminars
Workshops and Seminars
- Multicultural Education and Literature in the United States: History, Definitions, Goals, Issues, Current Trends
- "Windows and Mirrors"" Nurturers of Children Examine Their Own
Attitudes Towards Diversity and Learn How These Attitudes Affect the
Quality of Their Work with Children
- Creating Culturally Inclusive Classrooms, including Natural
strategies and Approaches into Standardized Curriculum Units, Daily
Lessons and Classroom Procedures
- Closing the Achievement Gap through Multicultural Education
- Using Multicultural Literature to Introduce, teach, Reinforce
Standardized Concepts and Skills for Literacy, Mathematics, Social
Studies and Science. (Separate or interdisciplinary workshops depending
upon length of the professional development)
- Utilizing the Assets of Urban Learners to Promote Optimum Achievement for all Students
- Multicultural Literature as a Vehicle for Valuing Diversity and Reducing Prejudice from Crib to College
- Integrating Multicultural Concepts and Skills into the Arts, Physical Education, Health, Vocational or Business Curricula
- Multicultural Education, in Integral Component of Character Education
- Enhancing All Students' Self-concepts Through Multicultural Literature
- Teaching Critical Thinking skills, Including Problem Solving
and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution Through Multicultural Literature
- Criteria For Selecting Quality Multicultural Literature for
Children: Preschool through Elementary, Middle, and Upper Grades
(Separate Workshops Advised for Each Age Range.)
- Designing College Courses in the Foundations of Racism and
the Foundations of Multiculturalism for preparatory or in service
professional development programs for educators
- The Truly Multicultural School (Library, Other Child-nurturing Institution): How dies it Look, Sound, Feel and Operate
workshop offerings plus others are offered for parents, Library
personnel, school district administrators, principals, curriculum
designers, academic coaches, secretaries, paraprofessionals, directors
of community, faith-based and other organizations involved in the
nurturing of children.
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